When it came time to pick out a baby cot for her second baby, Veronica Schmidt, a lactation consultant and member of a safe-sleep committee in Texas, says her choice was, “100% about safety.”

“With my babies I could care less about sleep I care way more about how safe they are when they’re sleeping,” she says.

So, during pregnancy she began to research the safest bassinets when a fellow safe-sleep committee member mentioned SNOO. With its unique built-in swaddle, SNOO is the only baby bed that secures babies on their backs (the safe-sleep position the Health Direct recommends) all night. 

“I thought it sounded awesome,” Veronica says.

After talking to her husband, she decided to try it. And, shortly after giving birth, Veronica learned her focus on safety turned out to be well placed.

The day she brought her son home, she set him down quickly to grab something. In that fleeting moment—at a mere 3-days-old—her son rolled over! 

“The fact that SNOO has sleep sacks that anchored him in was a life-saver in itself,” she says. “It would have been scary if we didn’t have that. I wouldn’t have been able to sleep!” 

SNOO also had a role to play in Veronica’s breastfeeding journey. 

“One of the biggest things that helped me was I would breastfeed as long as he needed me. Even if he didn’t fall asleep while eating, I could put him down in SNOO, anchor him in and turn it on, and the SNOO would put him back to sleep,” she says.

Though sleep wasn’t Veronica’s number one priority when she decided to rent SNOO, she has appreciated how well her son slept in SNOO...and how well he continues to sleeps to this day! 

Mother holding infant son

“I think the SNOO could be of even a long-term sleep aid instead of short-term,” she says. “My daughter has never been a good sleeper. I don’t know if it was because the very get-go we didn’t have something like SNOO, but my son definitely sleeps better than she does right now.” 

Based on her experience with her daughter, when it came time to transition her son from SNOO to the cot, Veronica figured it could take several weeks. However, she was pleasantly surprised with how well the combination of weaning mode plus using Sleepea once her son was in the cot worked. 

“Once we did the weaning program, it took about three nights. It was amazing. He transferred to the crib like a little pro,” she says.

When she reflects on her experience, Veronica says SNOO's rental program was “the best thing” they could have done for their family.

“This bassinet checks all the boxes,” she says. “He slept in it all night long, and he was safe while he did it.”

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Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider. Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for babies. It is important that, in preparation for and during breastfeeding, mothers eat a healthy, balanced diet. Combined breast- and bottle-feeding in the first weeks of life may reduce the supply of a mother's breastmilk and reversing the decision not to breastfeed is difficult. If you do decide to use infant formula, you should follow instructions carefully.